Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Getting in Shape! (or at least trying to)

It's been over a year since J was born and I'm still not "happy" with my post-pregnancy body. I don't think many women are ever happy with all the changes that take place. I didn't expect the stretchmarks or extra flab to stick around forever. After all, I had my kids young. I should bounce right back into shape, right? Wrong, way wrong. I feel like my bikini wearing, short shorts days are over. I'm a mom now, I have to look a certain way. There are already so many people judging me because I'm a young mother; the last thing I want is for someone to judge me based on what I'm wearing as a young mother. I know I shouldn't care, but it gets annoying with the looks at the grocery store and the other moms at the park looking at me like I don't know what I'm doing. 
Because of my unhappiness with the way I look, I've made myself some goals. I'm trying to eat better and exercise more. Remember there is very little "me" time in this equation so exercising more is hard. Let's face it, exercising at all is hard. Last year, after J was born I decided I wanted to run a marathon. Maybe not a full marathon, just a half. Oh who was I kidding, I'm never going to run a marathon. I just wanted a goal ... a reason for exercising. Well it's been a year since I decided I was going to start running. Last year I successfully went for a run once. Yep, one time. That's it. I guess my goal for this year is to run at least twice a month. I want to get back to my normal body, not the body I was left with after being pregnant. Maybe I just need to learn how to be happy with the body I have and not worry what other people think. 
Hopefully, by the end of summer I'll be happy with my body or maybe I'll still be trying to figure out when I can fit in that run. I guess we'll find out ...

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