Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Meal Plan Week #21

This is an unusual week for us - first off I didn't post a meal plan yesterday because we weren't home this past weekend for me to write one up. Second, we are headed out for our vacation as of Friday night so the mission this week is clear out the fridge! This will be deemed another "Eat Out Of the Pantry Week!" - see what we had last time we ate only what food was in the house.

MONDAY: Cook out

I should be able to throw together some nachos with what is around the kitchen

Leftovers from Monday's cook out

THURSDAY: Leftovers / Clean Out the Fridge
We'll probably let the kids do some cereal to empty the milk and some chicken patty sandwiches for the adults to use up the rest of the buns.

FRIDAY: Dinner on the road

1 comment:

  1. My meal plan is really light this week, too! I think we deserve a little break and pat on the back! Have fun on vacation!



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