Friday, April 22, 2016

5 on Friday

1. We sold our house in 26 hours - yep you read that right, 26 HOURS people! Our house was up for the world to see around 10am on Tuesday, by noon on Wednesday we had a full price offer. To say we are excited at this whirlwind of activity is an understatement. If you are looking to buy a house, make sure you read this.

2. In exactly 1 week we will be the proud owners of our new house. The excitement just keeps on flowing over here! There are so many things in my mind with what to buy, what color to paint walls, do I really need to replace those drawer pulls, and so on ... it's hard to keep all my thoughts straight. 

3. With all the craziness, I haven't written as many blog posts that I've been dying to get out. But you should read this one if you haven't yet - it's a winner I promise! What kind of blog posts do you always click on to read?

4. I get my quarterly bonus check from work today. I really want to use it to color my hair - I originally wanted a color like this, but now I'm not so sure. Should I just go for it or be adult-like and pay bills?

5. The presidential race has reached Indiana. It's bad enough having to listen to it on the national news, but now that they are doing tv ad spots and signs on every corner - makes me want to hide under a rock until our primary is over with. And that's about all I have to say about that ... #AnyoneButTrump

Happy Friday!


  1. Buy a do it at home hair color kit and you'll still have money left over to pay bills

  2. Congratulations on selling your house so quickly. How exciting!


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