1. I have decided I need an accent chair. I have no clue where to put this or what it's function aside from looking pretty would be, but I'm sure I could use this one or maybe this one.
2. We are still working on our landscaping, but I'm pretty sure this little guy needs to live in my yard.
3. No birthday wish list is complete without a way to keep track of being fit for the next year of your life. So could someone hook me up with this Garmin? I promise I'll work out more in my 30s!
4. I have an obsession with wedges. I wear an 8.5 and prefer the brown, please and thank you.
6. Let's fill the wine shelf (who am I kidding it's already full) with some yummy whites. I tend to pick my wine by the bottle label - it's way more fun that way. Skinny Vine sounds fun!
7. To continue on that healthy in my 30s kick, I'll need a yoga ball chair. No, but seriously, I've talked about getting one of these for work for the past year. Eventually I'll break down and buy one.
8. I could use some new clothes for fall as well. This sweater is super cute - check out the back detail!
9. I've been meaning to buy new throw pillows, could someone pick these up for me?
10. And finally, as I'm sure my bedtime will be moving up rapidly now that I hit 30, I'll need some nice sheets to sleep on. These should do just fine :)
Well that's a whole collection of randomness that I